All cylinders purchased entitle you to recycle credits for the same number of cylinders to be picked up and returned for recycling.


  • If you ordered one twin-pack CO₂ Cylinder 2.2L (2Pack) + Free Recycling. You will receive one credit and can then return one twin-pack or two compatible empty cylinders.
  • If you ordered two twin-packs CO₂ Cylinder 2.2L (2Pack) + Free Recycling you will receive two credits and can then return two  twin-packs of empty cylinders or 4 empties in total.

Recycle Pickup

Empty Cylinders will be picked up from the shipping address, Mon-Fri. Unfortunately we cannot advise the time of pickup as this depends on address.

  • Empty recycle cylinders MUST be ready for pickup in original twin-pack cylinder carton. 
  • Courier will provide labels and affix to carton/s on pickup
  • Should the recycle carton (with 2x empties) NOT be available for pickup when the courier arrives to collect, your credits will be consumed and this will be considered as a futile collection. The courier will NOT return to collect carton. The system automatically flags goods as collected and cannot be re-collected.


Credits for return recycle expire after 12 months from purchase of Cylinders from Crystella.

  • If you purchase cylinders on 4 May 2022, you have until 3 May 2023 to order a return recycle pickup using the credit provided when purchasing cylinder/s.

Howto redeem a ReCylinder Credit.

  • Step 1

    1. Go to EcoComodita and login to your account
  • Step 2

    2. Go to Products and select Recycle

  • Step 3

    3. Add the Recycle product to cart

  • Step 4

    4. Open the Recylinder Credits Widget and select Redeem Credits

  • Step 5

    5. Select the amount of cylinders you would like to redeem and Select Redeem

  • Step 6

    6. The Coupon should automatically now be applied at your checkout